EN: Declarations 28 September 2008

Two Catastrophes of the Western Block

Forty years after 1968, in the year 2008, the American led Western Bloc experienced two catastrophes from which it will hopefully not recover. At the very least all National Revolutionaries and anti-Capitalist Social Revolutionaries can now, after having wandered in the desert for forty years, raise their hopes that the Western Bloc will soon follow the Eastern Bloc onto the rubbish tip of history. After all, the Western Bloc of the year 08 has been struck on its military head and stabbed in its financial heart.

The first catastrophe of the Western Bloc was Russia’s victory in the Russo-Georgian War. Russia decided the victory for herself on the second day of combat by conquering the battlefield, and over the next three days the Russian forces destroyed the military installations that NATO – as a “concrete perspective of accession” – had raised in the rest of Georgia. After five days Russia declared that the war had ended. The classic war of states as the continuation of politics by different means, as enforcement of a peace modified in favour of the victor celebrated a glorious return onto the stage of world politics. All this talk by the Western Bloc about the end of the nation states, the end of national wars and national economies has been exposed as hollow wishful thinking. The asymmetric war between small and great terror that was supposed to be the warfare of the future has to this day not decided anything. The classic German blitzkrieg strategy, however, which Russia successfully used against the NATO candidate Georgia, has drawn the definitive red line against the USA and their aggression alliance NATO.

The hot month of August was followed by a cold September. The global financial crisis classically began in New York, and just as in 1929 opened its capital devouring maw with spectacular collapses of banks. Without further ado US banks are being nationalised. A $700 billion bailout (which will be nowhere near enough) is to be procured through new national debt so as to buy up worthless shares in order to stabilise the financial market. For the spending of the bailout the American Treasury Secretary – formerly the Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, a so-called investment bank – is to be given super-parliamentary and super-jurisdictional dictatorial powers. Capitalism has led to Fascism, to the plain dictatorship of financial capital.

The American defeat in Georgia, including the defeat of the indirect war strategy against the classic European blitzkrieg strategy (which results in a quick peace bringing decision) as it was implemented by Russia, heralds the end of the Judeo-American Empire in the military realm. This was immediately followed by the core meltdown of the US financial system, denoting the beginning of the USA’s demise in the financial realm. Even the most faithful of US vassals has noticed this: On 25 September of this wonderful year, the Finance Minister of the FRG stated in Parliament: “The USA will lose their status as the superpower of the global financial system.”

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