EN: Declarations 7 December 2004

Tolerance Edict

Everybody speaks about tolerance, of its possible boundaries towards intolerance, and about how tolerance can defend itself against intolerance.

It is only the Deutsches Kolleg which – as a virtual gathering of notorious revolutionaries – proceeds to act and issues a tolerance edict.

But what is tolerance?

  1. Tolerance is toleration of something that does not need to be tolerated.
  2. Tolerance is toleration of someone who does not need to be tolerated.
  3. Tolerance is only possible when that which is being tolerated represents a restriction of the Rights of him who is tolerating – a restriction he does not have to tolerate.
  4. Tolerance is possible only so long as intolerance remains a Right and only so long as the reduction of those Rights remains voluntary for the person extending tolerance.
  5. Totalitarian tolerance demands that everything be tolerated except intolerance. Totalitarian tolerance tolerates the destruction of tolerance by banishing intolerance. In place of the forbidden intolerance appears resentment, the impotent intolerance which has no Rights. If resentment attains power, it quashes the Rights that have been shoehorned or craftily slipped into law and restores the good Right of intolerance and therefore its freedom to tolerate, and does so as long as the latter has not been expressly rejected, as long as Right has been granted in undiminished form only, and has been burdened by a duty of non-tolerance of any diminishment of Right.
  6. In Europe, religious tolerance was possible only so long as Christianity was obligatory and alien religions were forbidden and could even be criminally prosecuted as witchcraft (heathenism) or heresy.
  7. Because the legal injustice of abstract-universal religious freedom was forcibly imposed in the unlawful Reich-dismemberment regimes on German soil by powers alien to the area, religious tolerance has become impossible.
  8. Religious freedom exists, but not religious tolerance.
  9. Due to abstract religious freedom, therefore, there is currently a ban on tolerance in force.
  10. From this it follows logically that Judaism can realise its belief in its Mammonistic world-shepherdship and command of the shehitah of the nations, whereas Islam can lead its Holy War against all disbelievers for the purpose of submitting the world to Allah. Both take place rightfully, if religious freedom is to have any sense and if it is to permit believers to at least take their beliefs and religious commands seriously.

These considerations lead the Deutsches Kolleg to pass the following edict:

  • General religious freedom is abolished!
  • Public practice of non-German religions is forbidden!
  • The non-public and non-collective aspect of Islamic religious practice may be tolerated!
  • Jews and Jewish religion may not be tolerated – neither in part nor on the whole!
Deutsches Kolleg
358 0

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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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