EN: Declarations 12 November 2001

The Germans’ Code of Duty

  1. Believe in your People and you will truly believe in yourself.

  2. Love your People and you will truly be loved.

  3. Deride the lies of the victors and explore the truth, putting faith in your People!

  4. Despise the servants of the lie, for they sow hatred and bring destruction over the Peoples!

  5. Take those blinded by the lie by the hand, that they do not stumble! Heal their wounded souls! Bear their hatred with patience, for they are victims of the enemy’s black propaganda. They are our brothers and sisters. Nurse them, as a morally cultured People nurses its wounded warriors!

  6. Know that there is nothing stronger than the Spirit and fear not the killing machines of our enemy, for they are useless junk when the Spirit turns its back on them!

  7. Know that our People has been given the science as knowledge of the Absolute Spirit! Out of this knowledge grows the strength for our People to surmount the anti-Nation, which enslaves and murders the Peoples world wide.

  8. Know that hatred darkens truth and scorns justice! He who lets himself be led by hatred champions neither truth nor justice. He becomes an angel of vengeance – like our enemy.

  9. Know that only through our enemy does our greatness appear that frees the world. Therefore curse not the enemy but include him in your prayers, that he may share in the knowledge of the Absolute Spirit.

  10. Give truth your voice wherever you may be! Truth conquers by being spoken out fearlessly.

This Code of Duty of the Germans was read out by Horst Mahler within the framework of a lecture in front of Germans and nationalists of other European Peoples – including ministry officials, scientists, lawyers, historians, engineers, architects, Bankers (including Wall Street), publishers, doctors, writers, journalists, artists, representatives of the nobility and high ranking contemporary witnesses who had personally known Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler – in Malaga on the 11th of November 2001, and was taken up with lively approval.

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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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