EN: Declarations 17 June 2003

The 17th of June 1953

  1. Fifty years ago, on the 17th of June 1953, numerous insurrections began in Central Germany. Initially these were demonstrations of the builders against the rise of the work quotas, which quickly developed into a general uprising of the People for German unity and liberty, against the communist supervisors of the Central German regime of Reich-dismemberment, GDR, which the Soviet occupying power had installed. With this regime the Soviet Union had reacted against the American violation of the ius gentium, FRG.

  2. The uprising of the People from 1953, forms part of a long history of German struggles for freedom:

  • In the year 9 under Hermann the Cheruscian against the Roman occupiers,
  • 1291 the insurrection of the Swiss (William Tell) against Habsburg,
  • 1525 in the movement of the Reformation and in the German Peasants’ War,
  • 1809 in the revolt of the Tyrolese under Andreas Hofer against Napoleon,
  • 1813 in the War of Liberation against the Napoleonic forces,
  • 1848 in the movement of the Paul’s Church,
  • 1933 in the National Socialist revolution and the liberation of the German People from free trade,
  • 1967/68 in the uprisings borne by the working intelligentsia of West Berlin and the Western Zone against capitalism, US-imperialism, and especially against the Vietnam War,
  • 1989 in the Monday Demonstrations against the Central German regime of Reich-dismemberment and
  • 1992 in the People’s uprisings of Hoyerswerda and Rostock-Lichtenhagen against the foreign civilian occupiers.
  1. The Central German uprising of the 17th of June 1953, caused the victors to reduce their territory of military occupation in the German Reich and to sign the Austrian State Treaty of 1955. In this manner Austria became the militarily unoccupied zone of the German Reich, whereas the Old Reich remained cut up into zones of expulsion, of annexation and of occupation (Eastern and Western Zone).

  2. Of all people it was the FRG functionaries, who to this day have not attempted a single insurrection against the occupying power, that had the audacity to declare the 17th of June as the “Day of German Unity”, and that for the sole purpose of portraying their regime of Reich-dismemberment and its occupiers, as morally superior to that of Central Germany, and to let Stalin’s offers for a reunification sink into oblivion, i.e. to perpetuate the division.

  3. On the 3rd of October 1990 the Eastern Zone was connected to the Western Zone, the 17th of June was abolished as a holiday and the 3rd of October declared as one: The day of triumph of the Western collaboration over the Eastern. Carl Schmitt had referred to this as the arrogance of the leather-bootlickers towards the felt-bootlickers.

  4. Today the FRG is worse than the GDR was in 1953, because the communist traitors did not bring about a civilian invasion of foreigners in addition to the military one, and did not attempt to destroy the whole German People, in the way that today’s capitalistic traitors of the FRG do.

  5. The provisional swift removal of the GDR was its anschluss to the FRG; the provisional swift removal of the FRG will be its anschluss to Austria. A possibility to eliminate the Austrian regime of Reich-dismemberment (FRA) is its accession to the Swiss Confederation.

  6. The conditions for the uprising are given. A revolution is matured into readiness, “when ‘those at the top’ are no longer able, and ‘those at the bottom’ no longer willing” (Lenin).

  7. As thought-organ of the German Reich, the Deutsches Kolleg concludes: The uprisings of the German People for freedom and self-determination have so far not achieved their goal. The Deutsches Kolleg demands from all Germans who still wish to be Germans, to now dare the General Uprising of the People, following the example of the 17th of June 1953 and the 9th of November 1989, and to end the dreadful, the Kaiser-less era and to crown the German struggles for freedom, that have taken place so far, with a final victory.

  8. The General Uprising of the People has come to its victorious conclusion, once the German People has given itself a new constitution in the Regulating Assembly of the Reich, the dismemberment-regimes of the Reich have been done away with, the foreign conquerors and their civilian substitute-occupiers have left the land, and once the collaborators have been convicted by the Reich Court in Leipzig for treachery and high treason.

  9. Each German possesses all rights of the German Reich, including sovereignty and the right to war, up until the day that the German Reich, through specific organs of state, regains its ability to act. (Each part is simultaneously the whole, and as a part only becomes real through the organification of the whole). The way has been shown by the Deutsches Kolleg in the Plan for the Uprising which can be found on this website.

May God protect our German People!

Deutsches Kolleg
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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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