EN: Declarations 10 July 2002

Terror Warning!

The terrorist attack using atomic explosives, announced by US Secretary of War Rumsfeld for the near future, will, by the logic of the American conduct of war against the Peoples of sovereign nations, in all probability occur in Frankfurt am Main.

„World War III is coming. . .We have been conducting a war in the past 18 months which is the herald of the Third World War. The World will -- whether it suits it or not -- fight. I'm sure of that.“

(Ra'anan Gissin, Chief advisor to the Israeli Minister President Ariel Sharon in a conversation with the Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, 27 April 2002.)

Reason for War Nr. 1

The collapse of the world financial system now commencing, with its horrific consequences for the nations, is not to be permitted to be seen by people as an unavoidable crisis of the system. It has to appear to be an unforeseeable catastrophe, as the result of the Third World War.

Reason for War Nr. 2

The oil reserves, which are becoming scarce, must, even more than up until now, be subject to being at the exclusive disposal of the US East Coast.

The Course of the War

  1. The Third World War has begun. The first act took place on 11 September 2001, in New York.
  2. The second act of the psychological harmonisation will probably be staged in the centre of Europe – which presently presents itself as the most unstable zone. In the Federal Republic of Germany, something could occur which would greatly overshadow the events of 11 September 2001 (Pearl Harbor raised to the second power). Following this, only cries for war would be heard.
  3. Israel will probably use the opportunity to toss a few atom bombs at its Arab neighbours (already announced).
  4. India could release atomic missiles on Pakistan (already announced).
  5. It is to be presumed that the USA, for its part, will carry out "peace missions" with atomic weapons (already announced), thereby provoke China and conduct "pre-emptive attacks" against china (predicted by Henry Kissinger in 1999) and Russia.
  6. As music accompanying this, a hyper-inflation will get states out of debt at the expense of the savers.
  7. The famine resulting from the collapse could conceivably decimate the World's population.
  8. Now the game can start anew: Wall Street will give credit for reconstruction to all states, which will thereby get into debt all over again, etc., etc.
  9. For the securing of credit, a World Government, dominated by the Bank Jews, will be instituted. Only then will the actual goal have been attained: uncontested Jewish world-shepherdship.
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Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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