EN: Declarations 3 September 2001

Right and Obligation in War and Peace

  1. After the Western Powers had forced Germany into and won the First World War and had forced Germany to sign the armistice, the Western Powers organized the armistice crime of the hunger blockade, which had as its consequence 800,000 dead of starvation in Germany, in order to wrest from Germany her subscription to the Versailles Diktat of 1919.

  2. The victors mutilated the political landscape of the European continent according to their imperialistic plans. The territories of the vanquished powers were divided up, they were robbed of their sovereignty, and they lost their political capacity to act domestically as well as in foreign affairs.

  3. To justify this subjugation, the Western Powers coerced defeated Germany into subscribing to an article which imposed upon the loser the "war-guilt" clause, thus a guilt which does not exist at all in European laws of war or international law.

  4. The system of the Weimar Republic, forced upon the German Reich by the Western Powers, was by definition not capable of jettisoning the Versailles Diktat. This Hitler promised to do, and fulfilled that promise, too. Hitler's rise to power was thus provoked by the Western Powers. From the German perspective, the single reproach to be made against Hitler is the affinity of his goals and methods to those of the Western Powers.

  5. On 1 September 1939, the German Reich obtained military access to its eastern territories amputated by the Versailles Diktat, and requited Poland for its violation of the prohibition of annexation under the ius gentium.

  6. With the support of the U.S., England and France misused this local conflict to declare war upon Germany on 3 September 1939, and thereby instigated the Second World War as an anti-German crusade of annihilation.

  7. That no declaration of war was issued by the Western Powers against the Soviet Union when its troops crossed the eastern border of Poland, shows how indifferent the Western Powers were to Poland's fate. What mattered to them was the destruction of the German Reich, which -- politically and economically strengthened -- threatened their imperialistic supremacy. Any pretext for the world war was welcome to the Western Powers, whose representatives had made no secret of the fact that they wanted to destroy not only the German Reich, but also the German people, for they were developing the atom bomb for this.

  8. Only the advent and effect of the Second and Third German Reich saved Europe until 1945 from Asiatic despotism on the one hand, and from the dictatorship of Capital on the other hand.

  9. The view of 20th century German history which prevails today is the continuation and intensification of Allied war propaganda after the armistice which took place on 8 May 1945 by the capitulation of the German Wehrmacht, and is therefore a continuation of hostile action.

  10. The Deutsches Kolleg condemns present prevailing historiography as war propaganda and therefore as one of the victor's numerous crimes of the armistice!

  11. A genuine public evaluation of German history can be attained only after the end of the U.S.A.'s control over Europe.

  12. Whoever mourns over the waning of the creative powers in Europe, the inversion of all traditional values and the decline of formerly efficient economies in the Western world, is but bemoaning the outcome of the war lost by Germany and its allies in 1945. The Deutsches Kolleg summons the peoples to recognize this, to thus arm themselves for impending decisions, and to thereby give meaning again to the sacrifice of the many million dead of all peoples who took part in the war.

  13. The Deutsches Kolleg recognizes no earthly right above that of the ethnic peoples. The ethnic peoples are in and of themselves the secular Supreme, and therefore are not subject to categories such as Guilt and Atonement. They have the right and obligation to wage war or to preserve peace. That is the ius gentium, which breaks the rule of terror of "human rights."

Deutsches Kolleg
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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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