EN: Declarations 21 July 2005

Reichstag 2005: Obligatory Electoral Programme for all Parties

The Deutsches Kolleg stipulates all representatives who are elected into the Berlin Reichstag in 2005 to execute the following programme. Those who enter into the Reichstag and do not follow these instructions God will punish with eternal damnation in the hell of self-knowledge of their immortal souls, and posterity will reflect on them with lasting shame and disgrace.

The FRG of the year 2005 is at a more shameful end than the GDR of the year 1989. The EU's ideology of Europe, and with it Capitalism is, as an ideology, just as run-down as are Communism and Fascism , the other political religions of the 20th century. Their place must be taken by the social community of the German People. The barbarity of Globalism is to be abolished and replaced by the German national economy in which market economy serves self-economy, which makes not the needs of the global market its guiding principle but the needs of the German People.

Everybody knows that the acute German unemployment is overcome as soon as the foreign resident population has been deported. By these means the surplus labour capacity of the German labour market will turn into a scarcity of labour capacity, and the cuts in wages and social services will change into increasing wages. Continual wage increase accelerates process-technological progress and ultimately leads to production without labour. The right to employment which each German government must also in future guarantee each German will no longer be redeemed in the necessary material production, but in the Reich of Freedom as the communal cultural effort of the German People.

Due services are to be rendered to the German People as follows:

Domestic Affairs

  1. Stop the German cultural catastrophe! (Measure: Expulsion of the barbarians from the country and prohibition of the use of their primitive languages – especially English – in public by law.)
  2. Eliminate German unemployment within 100 days! (Measure: Immediate termination of the employment of foreigners.)
  3. Completely smash organised crime that is homogenously comprised of foreign ethnicities and which German police have not been able to infiltrate! (Measure: Deportation of foreign ethnicities from Germany.)
  4. Foundation of a State Labour Service as being a self-economical rival system to market economy which covers all areas of the material, intellectual and pedagogical production.
  5. Uniformly securing the existence of all Germans in all cases of indigence! (Measures: Prohibition of social services abroad and social security benefits for foreigners, abolition of the current pension system and the state pension fund.)
  6. Drastic reduction of unemployment insurance! (Measures: Limitation of the statutory unemployment insurance to six months, prevention of diverting finances from their intended use, reduction of the administrative authorities.)
  7. Complete privatisation and radical market economical reformation of the health system that has so far been corporativley organised! (Measure: Abolition of the obligation to be health insured.)
  8. Founding of a rival second health system within the framework of the State Labour Service which treats each German free of charge.
  9. The right to professional training, guaranteed by the right to employment and training in the State Labour Service should the market fail.
  10. The right to work in one's profession, guaranteed by the right to employment in the State Labour Service should the market fail.
  11. The right to a lodging, which leaves not a single German homeless! (Measure: Reintroduction of the penal prohibition of vagrancy.)
  12. Germany will be freed of smut and trash! (Measure: Prohibition of pornographic, violent and morally base publications.)
  13. Termination of commercial broadcasting. Limitation of television to two national programmes (for German folk culture and German high culture including cultivation of the sciences) and one regional programme for each of the German tribes; the same applies to radio broadcasting.
  14. The university is to be limited to scientific research and the simultaneous nurturing of scientific young professionals. Humboldt's ideal of the unity of research and teaching is to be restored.
  15. Training of the traditional academics such as lawyers, physicians or teachers in technical colleges of higher education in the dual system.
  16. Expansion and consolidation of German research through the State Labour Service; reacquisition and if necessary conscription of all German researchers acquired by foreign countries.
  17. Assertion of the German language as recognised mean-Germanic and leading cultural language of the world; promotion of German amongst the German Americans.
  18. Legal obligation of appointed German scientists to use solely German as scientific language.
  19. Ideologised disciplines in the university are to be either newly staffed or dismissed

Foreign Affairs

  1. Reunification of all German states and rightful German territories to the Fourth German Reich! (Measure: Termination of the Third Reich and its waking coma; abolition of the Reich-dismemberment regimes.)
  2. Bringing back home the German soldiers from the Hindukush, the Balkan, and from all other corners of the earth where they have no business being there. Expulsion of the American occupying forces!
  3. Liquidation of UNO, NATO and EU! A Europe of the Peoples! Support of all national liberation movements worldwide who realise the basic principle "A People, a state"!
  4. Revision of the historical picture in favour of the German People and its worldwide assertion by means of foreign cultural policy!

The Deutsches Kolleg encourages the German People to a general uprising under the inclusion of all means – even with the means of the ballot slip. National solidarity of all Germans amongst themselves as well as international solidarity of the German People with other Peoples who struggle against capitalistic foreign rule and fight for their political economical sovereignty is necessary.

"Where there is danger, however, the saving element grows too." (Hölderlin)

Deutsches Kolleg
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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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