EN: Declarations 1 September 2001

Reformation of the NPD

1. Concerning the situation of the national camp

The emotions that the German People feels towards its national situation, and as such its national camp, are an emotional area that is now intensifying and expanding. With great speed and full of crises, this German national feeling is nearing the point at which will be decided whether a majority or only a minority of Germans will, out of fear of the nationalistic death which already overtook us in 1945, now also commit folkish suicide. No matter how this crisis will end, after it, the Germans who still wish to be Germans will be far more numerous and will start to cleanse the German lands from the accumulated historical rubbish of the military and civilian occupation since the Second World War, and will restore the capability of their state – the German Reich – to act. Then it will be obvious that the monopoly of the legitimate exercise of power is vested solely in those Germans who still wish to be Germans.

The current situation of the national camp is good. It is gaining in strength slowly, but surely and strongly. The young force is starting from a position which the older generation reached only after long and hard work: From the very beginning they have had a national-revolutionary, anti-imperialistic and post-capitalistic attitude; the German People and the German Reich are at the centre of their loyalty.

2. The necessity of a political-party organisation of struggle

The question now is very much one of whether the national camp needs a party at all. According to the valid Reich Party Law, the founding of parties is illegal. Yet utmost necessity knows no law. As long as the regimes of injustice, with their party-state, still exist on German soil, it is justifiable that the national camp establish a political-party structure for itself in the struggle of liberation, which will put at its disposal the party privileges of the allied Reich-dismemberment states. We therefore affirm the interim necessity of a German National-Party , as long as the German movement of liberation is incapable of enforcing the Reich Law on German soil.

3. The failure of the nationalistic parties

All parties and all nationalistic party foundations on German soil since 1945 were Reich-hostile, illegal and as such politic-criminal associations, insofar as they did not involve themselves in the national struggle for liberation. The NPD [National-Democratic Party of Germany] too, was illegal insofar as it acted a) as a party and b) as a democrat, and in this manner abused the impotency of the sovereign, which was not at all permitted to decide whether it wanted to allow political parties or parliaments or democratic government formation.

4. The movement and the party

The movement of national liberation is the whole, the party one of its parts. If the NPD wants to continue to play the part of the political-party reserve troop in the national movement for liberation of the Germans, then it must, in order to become the German National-Party , carry out the following transformations on itself:

  1. withdraw the word "democratic" from its party name;
  2. define the term "party" simply as part of the German People;
  3. determine the use of party privileges merely as a tactical means, i.e. as a weapon for breaking the foreign rule and the dictatorship of the parties, and for restoring the constitution-granting power of the German People;
  4. enable the participation of every German who still wants to be German in its ranks;
  5. systematically educate its members, open their minds for the right and the left half of the realm of the German Spirit, and so enable them to become representatives of the whole German nation;
  6. offer the participating Germans, who are not party members, educational courses and enable public verbal statements in direct campaigns.


of the

N ationale P artei D eutschlands


The Nationale Partei Deutschlands (NPD) is a party in the sense of the Party Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). Its headquarters are in Berlin.


Members of the NPD with a right to vote can be folk-Germans of the FRG, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, and the Czech Republic, who recognise the statutes and the manifesto. The general meeting gives itself work rules and decides by a simple majority of those present.


The task of the NPD is the political-party assistance in enforcing the right of the German People to convene a constitution-granting assembly.


The NPD is dissolved on the day of the election to the constitution-granting assembly.

Manifesto of the NPD
  1. The NPD strives to dissolve itself, in accordance with the statute (§4), as soon as possible.

  2. The following "Social-Political Emergency Program for the Saving of the German People" is part of the manifesto of the NPD and a suggestion to the constitution-granting assembly of the German People.

  3. The following "Outline of the German Folk-Economy" is the economic program of the NPD and a suggestion to the constitution-granting assembly of the German People.

Social-Political Emergency Program

for the

Saving of the German People

  1. Ending the employment of foreigners and expulsion of foreigners from the residential population in Germany!

  2. Replacement of the current social system, with the right to employment, housing and family!

  3. Securing of the right to employment (and training) by means of a state labour service, that covers all areas of material, intellectual and pedagogical production! (The health service is the repair unit in the pedagogical production.)

  4. Only income support will remain from the current social system, which, however, in its current form will be paid only to folk-Germans who are unable to work and who are needy. It is irrelevant whether their disability to work is due to sickness, invalidity or infirmity.

  5. Civil labour servants will get only supplementary benefits if they are clearly in need.

  6. Civil servants who do not have a whole family to feed, or who have until now been state double-earners, will have their salary-right equated with that of the civil labour servants.

  7. The abolition of the pension system, without replacement, puts an end to the exploitation of the young by the old and thus to the death-spiral of the German folk! It liberates the old from being relegated, as pensioners, to disposal-ghettos, and from the old people's homes.

Outline of the German Folk-Economy


The economy of our People is not an end in itself, but a means which provides the material goods and services that are necessary for a cultured and educated life for every German, every German family and for the German People as a whole. For all Germans, the German People is the highest community on earth, which is responsible only to itself, i.e. it is the sovereign, which organises itself politically as an actual national state, economically as true folk-economy and psychologically as sound national consciousness and awareness. The political and economic organ of leadership of the German People is its own national state that has been formed according to the principle: one People, one state, through which its economy will become a national economy that does justice to its region, i.e. which will, by being well-founded on its own soil and territory – in Germany and all its regions, and for the Germans in all their tribes – be active in economics, instead of swaying to and fro in export-dependence between euphoria and depression and thus continually weakening and bringing down folk and country. Export-dependence leads, even in affluence, to structural impoverishment and the neglect of the folk-economy – it acts like an economic drug.

The generalisation of foreign economic dependence, the dictatorial assertion of the doctrine of free trade by anti-national finance capital, the destruction of all mature and directable folk-economies, and consequently of the world market and the world economy by enforcement of the unitary global market, is known today as Globalism. Global economy is destroyed world economy; it is founded on corrupted folk-economies and disempowered national states.

The folk-economy that does justice to our region and our culture is the way out of the trap of globalisation that German nationalists are showing to the German People.

In our current situation of the partial-to-complete dissolution of the traditional German economic order, the national-economic program of a folk-economy that does justice to culture and region, has two directions of thrust: a restorative and a progressive direction. For on the one hand, we have to restore the German folk-economy with its classic national instruments of steering, yet on the other hand, the nationally and governmentally protected unitary market does not suffice: its regional orientation is to be consolidated and deepened into multiply differentiated local, municipal and district markets. We must therefore

  • re-establish the German national unitary market with its state-run folk-economic order, as it was founded by Bismarck in 1871, developed further by Hitler into the "self-contained trading state" (Fichte, 1800) in 1933 and expanded in 1938, and as Ludwig Erhard maintained it under extremely restricted prevailing conditions in the 1950s;
  • inwardly consolidate and deepen the national economic aspect that does justice to the region and as such serves the folk, by granting the territorial corporations that are below the national level proper inland customs duty, and by enabling the competent authorities to create a thorough-structured and multifarious economic structure that covers the region by de-concentration of industry, finance, etc.

Economic policy and social policy form an inseparable whole. The economic policy that does justice to region and culture, shapes the economic order in such a manner that a desirable social order, which maintains and develops itself, is created. This is the fundamental purpose of social politics, from which then comes its secondary meaning: the communal support of the needy of a People. The economic policy that does justice to region and folk therefore directly serves German social politics. Its highest aim is that the whole German People, and as such every German family, is put into the station of its productive means and thus socially resurrects as the middle station, maintains and develops itself. The order of property is to be constructed in such a way that the proletarian condition (lack of the means of production) of large parts of the German People, and especially the pauperisation of its needy, is fundamentally impossible, and that due to this capitalism, i.e. the proletarisation of money, becomes impossible. The economic-political programming of the German national economy thus contains the social economy of the German People.

I. General Principles

The aim of the economic-regional order is not the maximisation of economic performance and the maximisation, as such, of the output of commodities and services, but the decent life of the People in its region. It follows then, that short term maximisation as well as long term optimisation of the profit from invested capital can never be the aim of a folk-economy deserving of the name, and cannot ever be the purpose of a folk-economy of German nationalists that does justice to the region. If the state-run production of profit maximisation possibilities is carried out, as in the present, then this is not just a simple economic crime, but a political-economic capital offence that is to be punished with a capital penalty and which is to be ended by confiscation of the tools used for committing the deed, as well as of the involved companies and capital.

The purpose of the folk-economy that does justice to the region is to provide the German People with the material means so that it strengthens, refines and develops its character, spirit and culture within a harmonious and invigorating community. It is also the purpose of the particular operations within the German folk-economy, to grant all Germans in their community and in their land the possibility of an all-around development of their personality, in which the individual also desires the general will, and to establish the atmosphere and the style of morality necessary for this. Since the personality of the individuals cannot develop harmoniously in a spiritual and educational sphere that is cut off from material production, every German has the right to participation in economic life. Capitalism is immoral principally because its cancer-like accumulation – the growth of capital – results in the misery of the industrial reserve army. But capitalism is also immoral when there is full employment, because it lets consumerism, which impoverishes life and makes it superficial, lavish and costly, grow rampantly. The following general principles are to apply for the German folk-economy:

  1. The German economy is the self-economy of the community of the German People.
  2. It has incorporated a market economy into itself in the form of its civil society, and is on the whole a sovereign subject of the world market economy.
  3. The German folk-economy that does justice to its region and culture, defends its world society by carrying out a world economic policy together with other national economies, which save the world market from its destruction by the global unitary market.
  4. The German national economy is the economic community (self-economy) whose economic society (domestic economy) serves its strength and independence in all its areas and budgets.
  5. The market may not be an end, but only a means for German economising.
  6. A folk-economy that does justice to its region and People means that the Germans of all tribes and landscapes find a multifarious and thorough-grown structure and thus a widespread possibility for activity which covers their needs.
  7. All territorial corporations may bind the allocation of commodity markets to the setting up of sufficient production of goods in the locations of their region. For this purpose, the territorial corporations below the complete state are granted the authority of inland customs duty.
  8. In contrast to the complete nation's authority of outland customs duty, the territorial administrations' authority of inland customs duty is not sovereign, and is therefore permitted to close its area only to those commodities in the production of which it is self-sufficient; neither transit duty nor bans on transit are permissible.
  9. The authority given to inland customs duty enables the precise micro-regional alignment of the German national economy and hinders neither national unitary markets (e.g. for automobiles) nor supra-national communal markets (e.g. for commercial aircraft).
  10. The nationally led German state secures the right to employment and the right to training by means of its state labour service.
  11. The German state protects the indisposability of the person of every German.
  12. The German state guarantees the indisposability of his minimum possession of land of his fatherland (grounded right) and the right to housing.
  13. Nationally ruled Germany protects private property including that of the means of production.
  14. The national government protects foreign private property including that of the means of production.
  15. Foreign firms and capital investments in Germany will be nationalised, i.e. subjugated to German management, designation and folk-economic strategy.
  16. The profits of foreign firms may be brought out of the country any time, and the native companies may be sold to natives any time, but may not be moved abroad.
  17. Banks and insurance companies are subject to strategic state control, which hinders their own strategic behaviour and guarantees compliance with the strategy of the German folk-economy.
  18. International groups will be decartelised and their German firms will be made subject to the national economic strategy of serving region and folk.
  19. The state exercises a monopoly on economic strategy. The firms' economic freedom of tactics is maintained.
  20. The principle of the mixing of all forms of property is applied in the folk-economy (state, private, co-operative, communal, and society property), as is the command of the technologically forward-looking priority of small over medium over large businesses (miniaturisation tendency).
  21. The self-economy has priority over the market economy, and the subsistence economy over the sale economy.
  22. Circular economies are preferred to linear economies.
  23. All economic politics is to serve the ecology of the folk and land of the Germans; Germany is to be kept as the environment and natural-historical living space of the Germans; the economy is not permitted to denaturise Germany's nature and must not alienate its People. (Command of the protection of nature and homeland)
  24. The proletariat, and with it capitalism, is abolished.
  25. Capital is only permitted to be used as the means of an entrepreneur and not as the object of a speculator. Whoever alienates capital from its purpose, by using it as an object of speculation, will be prosecuted as a capital offender.

II. Specific Principles

The fundament of all culture and thus also of the German folk-economy is the farming family, and its land-economy (agriculture) is arable farming, horticulture, and livestock breeding. Home-industry, craftsmanship as well as technology came into being on this foundation, first as subsistence economy, which remains the continuing foundation of all economics and constantly needs to be newly secured, and then also as market economy which firmly gained institutional form with particular market settlements – the towns. Between rural production areas and urban markets sprouted a net of field paths and market streets, i.e. traffic, and in conjunction with it, as decisive institution of right for its public control, route-constraint.

The move of the agricultural home-industry into the towns brought about proper craftsmanship organised in guilds, whilst the expansion of the market settlers into the rural areas of settlement brought about specialist trade covering all needs. The work-yard of the country craftsman was the origin of modern industrialisation, and to the farmers' hamlet was joined by the workers' hamlet. Concerning the particular branches of the German national economy, the following fundaments apply:

  1. Agricultural self-sufficiency of Germany.
  2. Agricultural family businesses are guaranteed a share of 80% of the German agricultural market. In return, price guarantees are dropped.
  3. Within seven years, German agriculture will be completely adjusted to ecological farming.
  4. High customs duty on southern fruits, seasonings and exotic luxury foods, drinks and tobacco.
  5. Craftsmanship structure covering all needs through guarantee of the local markets for local businesses.
  6. Wholesale specialist trade covering all needs through guarantee of the regional markets.
  7. Retail specialist trade covering all needs through guarantee of the town markets. Department stores will only be permitted in a few city centres, where they are clearly of benefit to specialist trade. Out of town shopping centres and centres of direct marketing are to be forbidden.
  8. Securing German family businesses by smashing the trade and food service businesses chains.
  9. Suppression of the culturally destructive awful state of advertising, and channeling, under public law, private economic advertising with guaranteed equal opportunities.
  10. Ban on all types of smutty and trashy products – not just in the entertainment industry.
  11. Protection of the German industry by means of a ban on free trade for the branches of the national market in which Germany is not the world's leader.
  12. Granting of temporally limited monopolies to German industrial branches that are new or need to be re-established.
  13. Export duty for national industries which dispose over sufficient capacities for national self-provision, but who have diverted their products into export due to competition from imported products.
  14. High customs duty on capital exports.
  15. Ban on the exportation of German firm and brand names.
  16. Ban on speculation in property in order to secure for all Germans a sufficient provision of minimum property and industrial property.
  17. Turn areas used purely for residential purposes into residential-horticultural and residential-industrial areas.
  18. Re-establishment of a complete industrial structure that covers the regional needs, throughout all of Germany, on a high level with all-around research and development.
  19. A general traffic plan with the aim of avoiding congestion; extensive replacement of material traffic with telecommunications traffic. Employment of data-reduction processes.
  20. Route-constraint to waterways for mass goods and to railroads for long distance haulage.

In the folk-economy of German culture, numerous forms of ownership and methods of production will compete with one another, so that there will be an internal competition of the systems, which will encourage the competitiveness and performance of the German national economy on the whole. Each German and all of his communities down to the state will have the choice between market acquisition and self-provision. The system preferences will change according to the particular situation at hand.

Already today the "large industry" is technically, organisationally and politically outdated. The future belongs to the home-industries, the partly to fully automatic miniature factories of the small farmer and small citizen, the home-industry networks and complexes, the communities of families, clans and tribes which are positioning themselves into their respective station again, and of course to the sovereign community of the People as a whole. The industrial principle will return to self-economy – its starting point – and the market economy will find itself at its old position at the periphery again. For material production needs to be upheld as a realm of necessity even when it no longer produces profits for any capital.

III. Immediate Measures

The German People is the sovereign, whose economic politics is at sixes and sevens because it is run by managers of the foreign rule, who are at once fanatical and blinded ideologists of extreme liberalism. This economic politics is only of benefit to globally nomadising finance and monopoly capital. Its declared aim is the ending of the folk-economy through a global economy and the disempowering of the national state, i.e. the abolition of the self-determination and self-rule of all true folks, and their destruction into a global mass. The German People quickly has to help itself. To the German People we therefore recommend a general uprising to shake off the internal and external foreign rule, and to immediately put into action the following measures:

  1. Immediate and complete abolition of unemployment through ending the employment of foreigners!
  2. Immediate abolition of housing shortage, homelessness, drug trafficking, organised crime and environmental overstrain through the expulsion of foreigners from the residential population!
  3. Saving of the German welfare state through the introduction of a state labour service for the needy who are able to work!
  4. Termination of all tribute payments to foreign countries!
  5. Initiation of the measures for the re-establishment of the German folk-economy that does justice to region and culture!


Folk/People: Community of common extraction, language and destiny.

German People: The common Germanic People.

Nation: A People as a person.

Person: A human or a community of humans as a subject of rights and duties.

Right: Possession which is property.

Duty: Possession which is the property of others.

Proletarians : Self-owners, who can produce nothing but themselves.

Capital: Money as an end in itself, which can produce nothing but itself.

Bank capital: Unity of financial loan, loan capital and capital for financial action.

Finance capital: Unity of bank capital and industry capital.

Monopoly capital: Unity of finance capital and fictitious capital (e.g. landed property).

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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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