EN: Declarations 5 February 2001

Mad Cow and Mad Human Disease

The Deutsches Kolleg welcomes the state regulation of the cattle market. In our view, the groundlessness of Globalism's doctrine of free trade is proven by the fact that this measure was considered necessary. Regulation of the market means that the law of supply and demand does not come into effect, and that the concept of the primacy of the market economy has disgraced itself in front of the whole world as an ideology, i.e. as a false consciousness.

Since the labour market is of far greater importance than the beef market, and since it has been overcrowded with unsaleable goods for a far longer time, the Deutsches Kolleg demands regulation of this market. We demand from the authorities the removal of ten million foreign workers out of the German lands, and by these means to restore the functioning of the German labour market, i.e. to restore to full employment the complete German paid workforce.

In order to prevent misunderstandings, the Deutsches Kolleg stresses that the foreign workforce that is to be removed from German lands (10 million people) is not to be slaughtered, nor is it to be burnt – it is merely to be expelled.

Capitalism is a cynical form of social intercourse because it equates, via the concept of commodity, the workforce with animals kept for meat production. Being the rule of money, capitalism is the insane pecunia, the bovine money-herd that has gone mad, and that certainly needs to be slaughtered and burnt. This is the true, the holy holocaustum. It may not exterminate mad cow disease, but it will put an end to mad human disease, which turns humans into commodities and delivers them to the shepherdship of the brutish. – On the other hand, the utter hecatomb of the dear cattle of our farmers is the writing on the wall that announces the demise of the capitalist system.

Deutsches Kolleg
305 0

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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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