EN: Declarations 3 October 2001

Freedom for the Peoples - A global Vietnam for the Globalists

Suggestion by the Deutsches Kolleg for a declaration
by the National Resistance on 3 October 2001

The purpose of war is peace. The will of the victor asserts itself in peace. It is not the result of appeals, but of struggle.

The German Reich has been at war since 1914. Its enemies are determined to destroy the Reich and obliterate the German People.

As the attacked, we Germans who stand by the Reich, have only one war aim: the protection of the German Reich and the German People as a self-determined state. We desire victory in order to assert our will as the law of peace. We strive for the peace of mutual recognition of the Peoples as persons (i.e. nations). That is the end of all imperialisms.

The National Resistance is in agreement that the thorough ethnic mixing of the German People is imposed by force, and that our People is in danger of becoming a victim of genocide.

The disappearance of a People can be called fate, if it does not suffer death due to the systematic influence of an enemy power. Without this influence, there can be no talk of genocide. It follows then: If there is genocide, then there is a murderer, an enemy, a systematic course of action of the enemy power, for the purpose of bringing about the death of the People.

This systematic course of action – under whatever guise it may show itself – is an act of war against the German People.

The flaw of our situation is a lack of consciousness and awareness: the absence of the consciousness and awareness of war and of the war aims of our enemies.

With the collapse of the Soviet bloc and with the air-strike of the 11th of September against the symbols of Globalism, this war has entered its final stage.

The East-West conflict obscured the fact that the USA fought wars incessantly for the establishment of their world domination. During the supposed containment of Bolshevism, they were able to successfully portray themselves as the “Deterrents of Evil”. (J. Galtung estimates that these wars have cost the lives of more than 10 million people).

In the 90s this facade crumbled to dust.

With the air-strike of the 11th of September, the Globalists are marked as aggressors by the enslaved and ill-treated Peoples.

From this follows for us in Germany the mission (*) to make the portent of Washington and New York legible for our People, and to make it aware of the message contained herein.

The trail of smoke that arose from the towers of the World Trade Centre was seen world-wide. It engraved into the sky the question: “For what reason are the Peoples attacking Globalism on the territory of the USA?” This question will now be answered mercilessly. The answer will lay to ruins the wall that has been drawn up around our thinking. This is the end of the global power USA, for their rule was not founded on a material arsenal of weapons, but on a certain state of consciousness. This consciousness is characterised by a deification of the “American way of life” under the halo of “human rights”. With the coming answers, both are finished off.

We now have to pronounce the sentence that history has already passed over the One World-Power, and execute it through struggle! In the recognition of the verdict that the “American way of life” is the death-march of the human species, and that it has to be overcome, the spirit of the self-conscious folk-community recognises itself as the spiritual strength that alone is now capable of securing victory. In this struggle, which draws its energy from German Idealism, the vocation of the German People as being a world-historic People finds its proof. Herein lies the right of existence of our People – not in our biological nature and existence. (**)

The camp of the Germans who still wish to be Germans, is a multiply-structured whole, in which every part, in accordance with its ability, plays a role in winning back the ability of the Reich to act. Henceforth we no longer fight against each other, but with each other, for victory in the Peoples’ global War of Liberation. Some of these may find themselves confronted with the necessity – as in all previous wars – to kill enemies. After the death toll of two world wars, the German People enjoys the privilege of being able to fight and defeat the enemy, without bloodshed, using the weapons of the spirit.

Whosoever professes himself to this assessment of the situation bears the holy duty to first and foremost act and think as a German wherever he goes, to banish the brotherly discord out of his heart and to focus all his powers against the common enemy.

(*) “the task” instead of “the mission”

(**) the clause “– not in our biological nature and existence” was removed without substitution.

This declaration was unanimously passed and signed, during a session in Berlin-Köpernik of the National Democratic Party of Germany and 8 further organisations and personalities from the National Resistance, with the marked changes (*), (**), and read out at the demonstration in Berlin on 3 October 2001, as a prevented speech by Horst Mahler.

Deutsches Kolleg
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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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