Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) did not present any particular difficulties to the traditional farming economy: Only about 10% of the diseased stock died of the epidemic, mainly the young animals. The meat of the diseased animals contains, just like the vaccinated ones, antibodies against the pathogen, and is, like that of the healthy stock, fit for human consumption after having been treated with heat. In the traditional European farming economy, FMD affected between one and three villages, in which the disease then raged. Minor economic damage was done to the affected.
It is the free trade of liberal capitalism that first turns cattle diseases into economic catastrophes. In the world crisis of the market economy, which is now beginning and which will be far more destructive than the crisis of 1929 ff., a specially intense and negative competition is flaring up, one which is not about extra profits, but about business management avoiding the socially necessary and communally superfluous destruction of capital, which makes up the contents of the crisis.
The global appearance of FMD is not an epidemic of the bovine naturalia, but a form of intercourse of free trade and capitalism that has been driven to its globalistic extreme. It is, equally for all the Peoples of the world, the beginning of a crisis of society, and economy of the community.
The fact that the capitalist states enforced the holocaustisation, which was health-politically and from the view of disease policing totally unnecessary, proves the partial truth of the old stamocap theory of the 70s according to which the states of today are mere stooges of the most aggressive factions of capital, namely of financial capital and monopoly capital. The destruction that is necessary due to the crisis of a part of society’s entire capital thus becomes an enforced destruction of its weak factions; the brunt is borne by the farmers, consumers and taxpayers.
Whoever meaninglessly kills masses of animals, will soon again also murder masses of humans. This can only be avoided, if the Golden Calf that is infected with the disease of utilisation, is given to the slaughter – that is necessary to the community – in time, and is sacrificially burnt, so that no residue remains. – Amen!