EN: Declarations 5 July 2009

England’s Demise is Britain’s Dawn

  1. Historically the settlement of Britain takes place from above, e.g. by Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Normans who are rulers; from below, e.g. by Flemings, Irish, and Indians who are cheap labour; or from the side – when the settlement that is striving for domination is either inconsequential (Dalriada), or simply fails (Danelaw).

  2. Britain’s favourable geographical location, on the one hand connected to the mainland by the sundering English Channel, on the other hand allowing domination of the Atlantic Ocean, necessarily invites continual conquests. Owing to its geographical location the torso of the island, i.e. the territory of today’s England, is at once its head and each People that desires to conquer Britain must possess and retain the torso including its politic-geographical centre of power, London. As such the limbs branching away from the torso contain the remnants of old, weak Peoples that at first valiantly fight against the torso, but are ultimately subjugated by it.

  3. Owing to the many waves of conquest visiting Britain, the populace of the island has since Roman times been continually split into a ruling upper stratum and a ruled lower stratum. This master-slave relationship pertained and pertains in particular to Britain’s torso, viz. England. Therefore an actual community of equal extraction, language and destiny never developed here, and following social-psychological necessity the English substituted the concept folc with that of people.

  4. Owing to the fact that the English are islanders who, contrary to the original Britons, have neither notion nor concept of what a Volk (People) is, they have been predestined to social atomisation. As such their most important poet set a worthy monument to the individualism that germinates out of this.

  5. These conditions qualified England to be: a) the ideal sea power, b) the ideal exploiter of transoceanic colonies and c) the ideal traitor of Europe.

  6. As individualistic sea power, England was the natural enemy of the militaristic land power of the German Reich. Its repeated attacks against the German Reich within the framework of the Second Thirty Years’ War – for the outbreak of which England bore a major responsibility – were attacks against Europe’s beating heart. England’s betrayal of Europe, as well as its involvement in the temporary demise of this cultural sphere in the desert storm of counter-history is England’s great historical crime.

  7. With the military defeat of the German Reich in 1945 England had, as helpmate of counter-history, finally completed its work of destruction, and thus stepped down from the stage of world history. England’s betrayal of Europe, its exploitation of the colonies, and the fact that the English are a pseudo-Volk created by waves of conquest and immigration, now spell England’s demise. Since it is familiar with the ius soli yet unfamiliar with the ius sanguinis, England lacks an immune system that could protect it from its self-orientalisation and self-negrification.

  8. England’s demise, however, ushers in the resurrection of the other British Peoples: the Cornish are finding back to themselves, as are the Manx. Scotland is demanding its independence with increasing vociferousness, and even the peaceful, introverted Welsh will find their way back to full autonomy. England’s demise is Britain’s dawn.

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