EN: Declarations 13 February 2005



To speak of a „Bombing Holocaust“, belittles the continuous attack against the life of the German People – an attack that set itself a horrific symbol in 1945. In addition, the equation with the cult of the total expulsion of Jews out of Europe, which has been in public effect since the 70s, is to be rigorously rejected.


The word Holocaust (English: complete sacrificial burning) is a fitting term to describe a form of bombardment-warfare against civilians, which leads to the partial or complete cremation of the victims without taking the circuitous route through gas chambers or similar auxiliary agents. This process was fastidiously planned by its numerous inventors, and was perfected through the technical experience gained by its execution. The efficiency achieved at the end (Pforzheim 23.02.45) – which was expressed in dead per unit of time and expense – outperforms the attested mass gassings in provisional execution chambers. After all, the bombardment-method detaches the executioner from viewing and removing the effects of his deeds. This semi-automatic production of corpses first and foremost deserves the epithet industrial. The destruction of the cultural monuments manifested in masonry, pictures and writing (Zerbst 16.04.45) of Europe’s core People went compellingly hand in hand with the strike against the German force of struggle, work and life. This was the barbarity, which the Holocaust-concept does not cover.

The latter is also true for the continuous nomadic general attack against the settled Peoples. This had been planned long before as the expulsion of the Germans from the Eastern territories, and came to a head in the pulverisation and broiling of those already uprooted (Swinemünde 12.03.45).

The desert – habitat of the nomad – had already been prepared in 1945, the Germans concentrated and herdified. On 01 May 1945, Theodor Adorno, a Jew who had been educated in Germany, noted with satisfaction: “Everything that has been desired for years has come to pass: the country a tip, millions of Hansjürgens and Utes dead.” The subsequent main strike against the German spirit, in the form of a destruction of culture and community camouflaged as modernisation, surpasses the direct consequences of the war many times over. It was only this blow that was able to break the hearts that stood fast against tumbling walls up until 1945.

The complete pogrom that was carried out against Jewry in the Third Reich’s reach of power between 1941 and 1945 is not, however, qualitatively distinguishable from the previous total expulsions. Due to the destruction of core-Europe, the Judeo-nomadic triumphs of 1945 and 1948 were able to rise to their present world-shepherdship.


Dresden 1945 is symbolic for Europe’s tragic self-mutilation in the twentieth century. Incited by powers foreign to the region and degraded to volunteers of the nomadic world-conquest from East and West, the states hostile to the Reich trampled the European core-People permanently into the ground with immeasurable crassness. The penalty for this crime is already noticeable in the demise of the western occident.

The re-erecting of the German Reich is thus a whole-European debt towards history and is alone suited to balance out the self-sacrifice of the German People for the idea of the folk-community.

Deutsches Kolleg
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Zum Vierten

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