EN: Declarations 20 July 2001

Condemnation of Human Rights

The Deutsches Kolleg condemns human rights and all those who sue for human rights for themselves or for others or who make them valid. Especially and in particular, the Deutsches Kolleg condemns all perpetrators who accuse, prosecute, lock up, bring before tribunals, or in any other way injure other people on account of violations of human rights. The Deutsches Kolleg passes this sentence, demands the desisting or prevention of any sort of propaganda or act of human rights, and leaves to any person the execution of sentence, because human rights are genocide


  1. The individual thing as object (1), which can be in dispute or not in social and political intercourse between human beings or human communities, is an object, therefore something, which is a right (2) of Someone. Therefore rights are always someone's issue or affair, the 'someones' themselves, however, are persons or subjects of right. The person is still pre-moral and sub-moral, if he finds his enjoyment in rights of property.

  2. When the Person is reduced to his humaneness, then he is made a case [in law], for a human being is only a special animal, and animals are, legally, objects. To be sure, one can presume to claim that animal have animal rights, for example, the right not to be tortured, but this is only the norm of treatment of persons, and does not make an animal into a subject of rights, rather, at best, a fellow-creature therefore an ethically normed form of nature. The violation of this norm of Persons stripped of personality, by other subjects of rights, is taken as pretext by a third party to establish the primacy of supranational law over perpetrators and victims alike, therefore a system of legal injustice. Law is not even an object or matter, but only its norm.

  3. The categorical imperative, to be a person oneself, and to recognize others as persons, is damaged first by the matter [case -- the status of the person in Law] and second by its norm. Human rights turn persons into objects and cases and therefore into animals, which are then subjected to a universal norm, and thus to the control of law. Human rights are a crime par excellence, because they destroy the person. The path to the hell of depersonalization leads down the steps of humanism, apeism, animalism, functionalism, down to legalism.

  4. Already individualistic liberalism, which declared the individual person to be the core of the legal system, was incompatible with the sovereignty of a people, because it absolutized the class interest of the production factor of Capital and substituted the folk-state for the Capital state. This variety of liberalism destroys the community of the people and thus the people itself, it leaves behind a populace of random whim, a society of individuals. The nation, the people conceived politically, is murdered.

  5. All great and shameless crimes of the present, first and foremost those of the United States of America, occur in the name of human rights. Human Rights is the ideology of Globalism of the U.S. and its accomplices. Every people and every State, which is not the slave to this power of evil, is attacked with the Human Rights ideology and is overrun by war. In the end, the protectors of Human Rights stand as their violators. Human Rights, by which the Subject of Right and the nation as subject of international right (i.e. ius gentium), have previously gone to ruin, finally fall like a boulder upon the feet of the power which has lifted them against the people of the world.

(1) "object": the German word Sache has many closely related meanings: thing (i.e., an object); thing (matter, affair, case); issue, problem; cause (as in an idealistic commitment), etc. Here, the meaning is more manifest object than concrete object.

(2) "right": the German word Recht (Latin: ius) has the meaning of "right" -- as in just claim; of "law" in the sense of abstract justice, but here it has the Hegelian connotation of "possession which is ownership"

Deutsches Kolleg
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