EN: Declarations 6 December 2004

Concentration Camp FRG

Concentration Camp FRG Due to financial problems the regional Lutheran Church in Hamburg has decided to sell – not, as yet, the twelve disciples – but nonetheless twelve churches. Confirmation classes are also being scrapped and are being replaced by the offer to visit " confi-camps". Whilst masochistic camp fantasies were a daydream of the left-wing intelligencia in the 90s, the jungle camp , in which one gains fame by swimming in liquid manure, is now a major form of entertainment for the masses vegetating in front of the telly. One cannot, however, deny the masses – who are not to be confused with the People – an intuitive, realistic awareness of our situation.

For: All Reich-dismemberment regimes on German soil are camps and not States. The largest camp is the FRG. After the arrest of the Reich-government on 23 May 1945 and with the expulsion of 16 million Germans from Germany's eastern territories and their other rightful areas of settlement in Eastern Europe, and with the four million refugees from Central Germany, 60 million Germans gathered themselves on the territory of the old FRG, which at the end of the war had still had 40 million citizens. The old FRG was thus not only the greatest refugee camp but also the greatest concentration camp of world history.

The Reich-dismemberment regime Austria is not a concentration camp but a detainment camp for the purpose of detaining the East Reich (=Austrian) Germans from all other Germans – those belonging to the Old Reich – and to bind the whole-German fusion energy. The territories of expulsion, on the other hand, are the logical counterpart to the concentration camp FRG: they are camps of de-concentration, or emptying. As a secessionist Reich-dismemberment regime, Switzerland is also the traditionalistic conservation camp of the First Reich, whereas Holland and Flanders are its progressive situation. Here, in the estuary of the Scheldt, Maas and Rhine stood the cradle of the German Reich; this is where the great movements of the mean-Germanic realm start: In November 2004 the Semitic ritual murder of Amsterdam (of a progressive Low Country German intellectual) was answered with the anti-Semitic revenge murder of Antwerp (of a publicly visible orthodox Jew).

The cruelty of history desired that this murder and counter-murder should be grasped by the other German countries as mental and spiritual liberation from the "thought-taboo commissioners" (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 22.11.04), and that this should take place to the dramatic backdrop of burning churches and mosques. "Holland is everywhere" federal German commentators said, with relief more than fear. The so-called parallel societies, which Chancellor Gerhard Schröder suddenly no longer wishes to tolerate, were suddenly perceived as so-called areas void of right, although in fact a different right, e.g. Islamic right, rules here. These areas are thus camps , i.e. concentrations of troops ready for combat of the racially foreign and therefore culturally foreign civilian occupation.

Holland and Flanders (Amsterdam and Antwerp) are the particular Germany, the exit camp and thus starting position of its progressive movements: i.e. of its Reich, its anti-Catholic struggle for liberation, its civil-capitalistic revolution and now perhaps of its cultural struggle for liberation. And because progressive thinking has gone ahead with concentration in the concentration camp FRG, this cultural struggle which is a racial war may also lead to victory.

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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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