EN: Declarations 23 December 2000

Christmas Message 2000 - Concluding Remark on Lead-Culture

  1. Culture is cultus, i.e. care and fostering of one's own ground and soil, of field, forest and pasture and of all other needs based on this principle.

  2. The over-arching condition is the fostering of the sense of togetherness of family, kith and kin, tribe and People, through which the local, regional and national gods arise and by which means culture in its highest sense is created.

  3. Culture is the spirit (that has come to itself) of a People, which permeates and determines all its actions – from agriculture to its high culture in art, religion and philosophy.

  4. In its culture, a People overcomes its nature. Overcome – and thus brought to an end – is that which has been perfected.

  5. The nature of a People is its race.

  6. With the exclusive fostering of its culture a People overcomes its natural racialism. By neglecting its culture by giving away its monopoly, be it in the way of lead-culture or multi-culture, a People reactivates its nature and thus its racialism.

  7. He who tolerates or takes over foreign culture in his own country drives away his own gods and thus becomes godless, culture-less and barbaric because the regular and natural fostering – i.e. the cultus – has ceased. With that, the sense of community is destroyed. The community of the People is no longer fostered, i.e. is no longer cultivated and therefore no longer felt; it no longer follows the subjective logic of the concept but only the objective logic of being and essence. The folk-community is now only race, no longer culture. It is there and exists, but no longer realises itself. Only he who brings himself onto his concept, frees himself to become a historical and absolute subject.

Peoples of the world, realise yourselves!

Deutsches Kolleg
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Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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