EN: Declarations 16 December 2002

Anthropophagy in PISA-Land

  1. The fact that the Negro eats humans has always been known to the Peoples of Europe. Yet it tended to be less clear why the Negro ate humans. It is perfectly clear, however, that things unheard of are being presaged when cannibalism occurs in German lands: thus at the end of the era of the first imposed system – the Weimar Republic – with the case of the Werewolf of Hanover, and now again at the end of the era of the second imposed system – the Federal Republic, with the case of the Cannibal of Rotenburg. On the other hand, the recently exposed case of cannibalism is of course absolutely innocuous, compared to the annual slaughter of hundred thousands of procreated German children (so-called abortion), and their processing into medicinal and cosmetic products.

  2. The Negro embodies the childhood of humanity. That is why, in his spiritual form and shape, there is "nothing harmonious with humanity to be found" (Hegel, The Philosophy of History, Prometheus Books 1991, p. 93). In the Negroes, as childhood of the human race, the "consciousness has not yet attained to the realisation of any substantial objective existence" (loc. cit.). The subject can therefore be considered to be an edible object. Since there is no other predator amongst mammals that eats its own kin, cannibalism is the announcement of human freedom.

  3. The colonisation of the Negroes by the Europeans may not have sophisticated them, but did civilise them, insofar as cannibalism got forced into the underground. The de-colonisation of Black Africa led to the return of cannibalism, the emphasis now being placed on the sovereignty of the de-colonised Negro, which found its embodiment in Emperor Bokassa, the self-crowned cannibal of Central Africa. The counter-colonisation of Europe by Negroes and others destroys the Germanic influence and dominance in European culture in perfect accordance with the plans of the world-herdifying strategists of counter-history. It thus came to the negrification and southernisation of the residential population in German lands, all the way down to football teams. The consequence for the education of the FRG was seen in the year 2002, when, with the PISA Study and the German cannibal, the FRG produced the fetish which illustrates its intellectual negrification, i.e. its infantilisation.

  4. The inability to speak proper German is no longer just a problem of foreigners, but is now beginning to show itself in the colonised Germans, in the stultification of the whole of middle-class society, and in the unavoidable lowering of the quality of education to the level of Southern European, oriental and Negro children. This development is further intensified by the infantilising tendency of the mass media to propagate Negroid ideals. The schools in PISA-Land FRG, where oriental and Negroid youths are able to do their Abitur [equivalent to British A-Levels or American SAT exams], are no longer German grammar schools. The German grammar school, whose ability to educate is – much like the ability of the German Reich to act – nowhere to be found, is not located in PISA-Land.

  5. The announced PISA Study for teachers will produce similarly bad results, without it being the fault of the teachers. For the mass of wholly unsuitable, foreign pupil-material that is imposed upon the teachers by necessity turns them into bunglers. Even the highest educational skill could not turn human material, so alien to culture, into quality products. On top of this, it immediately raises the question of the educators of the educators, that is, of the college and university lecturers. A PISA for professors based on educational studies would, with utmost certainty, make known that they are unable to get beyond the concept and notion of the crude empirical facts of their subject, and that they are not even able to define the simple idea of their subject. In other words, a PISA Study of the teachers' teachers would reveal their categorial illiteracy. For, besides many other cultural abilities, the anthropophagical and Reich-dismemberment regime FRG now also lacks the Basics of educational Ideas.

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