
England’s Demise is Britain’s Dawn

1. Historically the settlement of Britain takes place from above , e.g. by Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Normans who are rulers; from below , e.g. by Flemings, Irish, and Indians who are cheap... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
356 0
Economic Cycles and Crises

1. There are cycles and crises of a) capital and b) the capitalistic system. The current _meltdown of market economy_ is a crisis of the capitalistic system altogether, and not merely one of capital's periodic crises. Despite the... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
366 0
The Liberalist People’s Revolution

1. Since the 1990's the Deutsches Kolleg has called for the **Right to Work** and the **Grounded Right** to an inalienable minimum plot of land, and both for each German. The _socialist people's revolution_ and the _conservativist people's... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
351 0
Two Catastrophes of the Western Block

Forty years after 1968, in the year 2008, the American led Western Bloc experienced two catastrophes from which it will hopefully not recover. At the very least all National Revolutionaries and anti-Capitalist Social Revolutionaries can now... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
347 0
The Turkish Answer

One can hardly praise the Turkish prime minister Erdogan high enough for the clever and bold words he said during his visit to the regime of the FRG, and which he corroborated after his return to Turkey:... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
326 0
Anti-Fascist Declaration

To deliver an anti-fascist declaration in the sense of solely declaring oneself against fascism, without however declaring what fascism is, would be an idle endeavour in the manner of current FRG ideology that attempts to deduce... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
375 0
A New Siegfried Line in the Battle Against Feminism

1. Militant lesbians, feminists and other careerist gun molls of the FRG’s ideological system have recently won one of the last battles in a war they are going to lose: a news presenter of the broadcasting cooperation NDR... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
365 0
Perverted Emancipation

"_It follows that man has his actual substantive life in the state, in learning, and so forth, as well as in labour and struggle with the external world and with himself so that it is only... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
349 0
The Storm and the Flood

Following the storm of the century, the American Negro-city New Orleans (haughtily built below sea level) is in danger of completely sinking. In such states of emergency, a true People (Volk) confirms itself through discipline,... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
338 0
The Storm and the Flood

Following the storm of the century, the American Negro-city New Orleans (pompously built below sea level) is in danger of completely sinking. In such states of emergency, a true People (Volk) proves itself through discipline,... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
311 0
Reichstag 2005: Obligatory Electoral Programme for all Parties

The _ **Deutsches Kolleg** _ stipulates all representatives who are elected into the Berlin Reichstag in 2005 to execute the following programme. Those who enter into the Reichstag and do not follow these instructions God will punish with eternal... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
349 0
The Demographic Catastrophe of the Democratic System

The demographic catastrophe has set in. Even the desire to have children has, on average, shrunk to one and a half (1.52) in Central Europe, not to mention the actual, constantly sinking birth rate. Only... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
363 0
More Papal than the Pope

The German Joseph Ratzinger has been elected Bishop of Rome. The next day, on 20 April 2005, the newspaper _Bild_ headlined: We are Pope! The _ **Deutsches Kolleg** _, as the Holy German Reich's organ... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
324 0

###Judgement To speak of a „Bombing Holocaust“, belittles the continuous attack against the life of the German People – an attack that set itself a horrific symbol in 1945. In addition, the equation with the cult of... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
364 0
Dutschke and Hitler

On Christmas Eve 1979 Rudi Dutschke died from the consequences of the attempt on his life on Maundy Thursday 1968. The 3rd of January 2005 marks the 25th anniversary of his burial in Berlin-Dahlem. As with Jesus of... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
386 0
Tolerance Edict

Everybody speaks about tolerance, of its possible boundaries towards intolerance, and about how tolerance can defend itself against intolerance. It is only the **Deutsches Kolleg** which – as a virtual gathering of notorious revolutionaries – proceeds to... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
358 0
Concentration Camp FRG

**Concentration Camp FRG** Due to financial problems the regional Lutheran Church in Hamburg has decided to sell – not, as yet, the twelve disciples – but nonetheless twelve churches. Confirmation classes are also being scrapped and are... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
368 0
Final Word Concerning the Political Show Trial Against the Deutsches Kolleg

1. The "Hundred Day Programme" that is contained within the DK-declaration from 15 October 2000 and which has been criminalised through an indictment, is in no way whatsoever suited to disturb public peace for it has been... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
356 0
Semitic Ritual Murder

I. In Amsterdam, a Semitic Arab possessing a Moroccan as well as a Dutch passport ritually executed the Low Country German Theo van Gogh on the open street: he a) shot him, b) slit his throat... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
356 0
Struggles of Race and Class in the Summer Slump

1. The summer slump of 2004 is turning into a black hole in which all ideological substances of the democratic-capitalistic Western bloc are disappearing, never to be seen again. In occupied Iraq, the Judeo-American bellwether... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
348 0
Moral Condemnation of the Attempted Assassination of Adolf Hitler on 20 July 1944

1. On 20 July 1944 the criminal means (murder of the stenographer Dr. Berger, Air Chief Marshall Korten, General Schmundt, Colonel Brandt, as well as the attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler) is celebrated and not... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
365 0
Statement Concerning the Political Show Trial against the Deutsches Kolleg in Berlin on 06 February 2004

1. By the fact that the sovereign Reich-Germans Mahler, Oberlercher and Meenen are appearing in Berlin before a Grand Division of the Reich- and Folk-destruction regime FRG (which exists in breach of the _ius gentium_)... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
318 0
The 20th of July as Day of Remembrance

The fact that the assassination of the Chancellor of the Reich, Adolf Hitler, on the 20th of July 1944 failed, is worthy of remembrance. From 1939 to 1945 the German Reich waged a war that had... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
350 0
The 17th of June 1953

1. Fifty years ago, on the 17th of June 1953, numerous insurrections began in Central Germany. Initially these were demonstrations of the builders against the rise of the work quotas, which quickly developed into a general uprising... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
345 0
Declaration of the Deutsches Kolleg on the 70th Anniversary of the German Revolution

1. This week, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the uprising of the German People for a government of national honour, against the arbitrariness of the victors of the First World War. 2. The dictatorship of Adolf Hitler was... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
374 0
Condemnation of Free Trade

I. Under the banner of globalisation the anti-national economy of free trade has, since the end of the Soviet bloc of power, globally been triumphant over the old national economies of Western Europe, as well... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
350 0
Anthropophagy in PISA-Land

1. The fact that the Negro eats humans has always been known to the Peoples of Europe. Yet it tended to be less clear why the Negro ate humans. It is perfectly clear, however, that things unheard... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
353 0
Terror Warning!

The terrorist attack using atomic explosives, announced by US Secretary of War Rumsfeld for the near future, will, by the logic of the American conduct of war against the Peoples of sovereign nations, in all... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
308 0
The Germans’ Code of Duty

1. Believe in your People and you will truly believe in yourself. 2. Love your People and you will truly be loved. 3. Deride the lies of the victors and explore the truth, putting faith in your People! 4. Despise the servants... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
318 0
The Fall of the Judeo-American Empire

1. The general attack upon civilization, the resurrection of cultures, and the unwinding of the USA are the substance of the Third World War, which began on 7 October 2001 with the air attacks of the... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
355 0
Freedom for the Peoples - A global Vietnam for the Globalists

### Suggestion by the Deutsches Kolleg for a declaration by the National Resistance on 3 October 2001 The purpose of war is peace. The will of the victor asserts itself in peace. It is not the result of appeals... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
349 0
Right and Obligation in War and Peace

1. After the Western Powers had forced Germany into and won the First World War and had forced Germany to sign the armistice, the Western Powers organized the armistice crime of the hunger blockade, which had as... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
341 0
Reformation of the NPD

**1. Concerning the situation of the national camp** The emotions that the German People feels towards its national situation, and as such its national camp, are an emotional area that is now intensifying and expanding. With great... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
346 0
Condemnation of Human Rights

The **Deutsches Kolleg** condemns human rights and all those who sue for human rights for themselves or for others or who make them valid. Especially and in particular, the **Deutsches Kolleg** condemns all perpetrators who accuse, prosecute... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
334 0
Operation Barbarossa

1. Sixty years ago, on the 22nd of June 1941, the German Wehrmacht crossed the demarcation line of the Soviet territory along a wide front. 2. In this manner, the German Reich responded to the subversive... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
325 0
Final Solution of the Wall Question

On occasion of the end of the grand coalition of the Berlin house of representatives, the question has again arisen, whose fault the building of the Berlin Wall (13 August 1961) was. The **Deutsches Kolleg** herewith answers... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
321 0
Free Trade’s Foot and Capitalism’s Mouth Disease

1. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) did not present any particular difficulties to the traditional farming economy: Only about 10% of the diseased stock died of the epidemic, mainly the young animals. The meat of the diseased animals... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
318 0
The Future of the Idea of 1968

1. The idea which forms the basis of past events has a future if its Being on the one hand appeared in the past and manifested itself as an action-thought, i.e. as idea, but if,... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
367 0
Poster Campaigns

1. Everything that is actual is rational, for it contains a cause. 2. The fact that the chancellor of the FRG was counterfeited as a criminal on a CDU-poster, had a true cause beyond the party struggle. 3. The... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
303 0
Mad Cow and Mad Human Disease

The **Deutsches Kolleg** welcomes the state regulation of the cattle market. In our view, the groundlessness of Globalism's doctrine of free trade is proven by the fact that this measure was considered necessary. Regulation of the market means... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
329 0
Christmas Message 2000 - Concluding Remark on Lead-Culture

1. Culture is _cultus_, i.e. care and fostering of one's own ground and soil, of field, forest and pasture and of all other needs based on this principle. 2. The over-arching condition is the fostering... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
342 0
Immigration must not be a Topic of the Election Campaign!

The **Deutsches Kolleg** supports the demand: **Immigration must not be a topic of the election campaign!** Argument: 1. Immigration is not open to discussion. 2. The emigration of the immigrants without prosecution, is likewise not open... more...

Deutsches Kolleg
316 0

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What is German: A Simple Answer.

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Verfassungslehre der Wahlverfassungen zur Verfassungswahl (2017)

Die Wertrevolution des Kapitals

„Es gibt kein Marktversagen. Die Krise ist der Beweis, daß der Markt funktioniert.“

Marx ohne Bart

Von blu­mi­gen In­ter­pre­ta­tio­nen, blu­ti­gen Ver­wirk­li­chun­gen und blutsmäßigen Vorurteilen zugedeckt, im Au­gen­blick sei­ner deut­lichs­ten Be­stä­ti­gung, dem Un­ter­gang des Staats­kom­mu­nis­mus, für er­le­digt erklärt - un­be­grif­fen und un­voll­endet. Zeit für's DK.

Runen — Zeichen — Formeln

Gern lassen wir das Sys­tem im Glauben, alles, was außerhalb seiner ist, sei geistig nicht auf der Höhe, dumpf und rückwärtsgewandt. Sie können hier heimlich das Gegenteil erfahren: Straffe Theorie zum Deutschen Gemein­wesen von morgen!

Über die Lügenwörter

Ihnen kommt das öffentlich zugelassene Gerede gleichförmig, langweilig, ermüdend, leer oder verlogen vor? Willkommen beim Deutschen Kolleg. Lesen Sie, was wir von den Phrasen der Moderne halten.

Rassisten wider Willen

Es ist er­bar­mungs­wür­dig, vom Völ­ki­schen zum Ras­si­schen ab­stei­gen zu müs­sen. Aber was bleibt den Deut­schen üb­rig, wenn ein ent­hemm­tes Sys­tem Na­tur und Ar­beit von Jahr­tau­sen­den zer­stört? Le­sen Sie un­se­re Er­klä­run­gen ge­gen Rassen- und An­ti­ras­sen­wahn.

Zum Vierten

Die BRD als bloßes Negativ und Wachkoma des Dritten Reiches ist auf Ewigkeit gestellt, um das Deutsche Volk und die germanische Freiheit aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die BRD muß deshalb mit dem Vierten Reich beendet werden.

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